uPHP Library functions are functions that are written in uPHP and distributed with the WattmonOS installation. You will need to include the relevant file using include() before calling the function.
Click on the function name for further details:
add_cron | int filename, string interval | int | system | Add a scheduled CRON script |
add_role | int id, string role_name, int role_group, int role_type, int role_show, int role_def, string role_devices | none | system | Add a system role |
fgets_long | int handle | string | fileio | Read a line without length restriction from an open file |
mb_get_error_string | int error | string | modbus | Get human readable error description |
mb_set_float_be_0x10 | int id, int bus, int reg, int val, int retries | int | modbus | Set a modbus float in big endian using function 10h |
mb_set_float_le_0x10 | int id, int bus, int reg, int val, int retries | int | modbus | Set a modbus float in little endian using function 10h |
mb_set_int16_0x03 | int id, int bus, int reg, int val, int retries | int | modbus | Set a modbus device register using function 03h |
mb_set_int16_0x10 | int id, int bus, int reg, int val, int retries | int | modbus | Set a modbus device register using function 10h |
mb_set_uint32_be_0x10 | int id, int bus, int reg, int val, int retries | int | modbus | Set a modbus UINT32 in big endian using function 10h |
mb_set_uint32_le_0x10 | int id, int bus, int reg, int val, int retries | int | modbus | Set a modbus UINT32 in little endian using function 10h |
quick_sort | array src_array, int sort_type | array | array | Sort an array using quicksort |
remove_cron | int filename | int | system | Remove a scheduled CRON script |
smtp_mail | string to, string from, string subject, string message, string user, string password, string host, int port | int | smtp | Send an email over SMTP |