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Print a formatted string to standard output


printf ( string $format [, mixed $values ... ] )

This function will print a formatted string to the current output stream such as a web page or terminal. The output is produced according to the format string using the passed values. The format string is composed of literal text and/or conversion specifiers. Each conversion specifier fetches one parameter from the values.


$format: A string with literal text and/or Conversion Specifiers

$values: Integer, float or string values to be used to produce the formatted string

Return Values


Conversion Specifiers

A conversion specification sequence consists of a % character followed by one or more of these options in order ending with the required Conversion Type Character:

  1. Sign: Optional + (to be used on a number). By default, only the - sign is used on a number if it's negative. This specifier forces positive numbers to have the + sign attached as well.
  2. Padding: Optional 0 to pad results with zeroes (to be used on a number with a specified Width). The default is to pad with spaces.
  3. Alignment: Optional - for left-justified. The default is right-justified.
  4. Width: Optional integer string, which specifies the minimum number of characters for this conversion.
  5. Precision: Optional in the form of a period . followed by an integer string that specifies how many decimal digits should be displayed for floating-point numbers. When using this specifier on a string, it acts as a cutoff point, setting a maximum character limit to the string.
  6. Conversion Type: Required case-sensitive character which specifies how to format the passed values:
Conversion Type CharacterParameter Value TypeDescription of Returned Conversion
cIntThe character with that ASCII value
dIntA (possibly signed) decimal number
fFloatA floating-point number
sStringA string
XIntA hexadecimal number (with uppercase letters)
%(none)A literal percentage character

Any text in the format string which is not part of a conversion specification sequence (starting with % and ending with a Conversion Type Character) will be placed into the output as literal text, unchanged.


The mainline PHP specification for this function can be found at and is useful for further information. However, the uPHP implementation does not currently support all of the options mentioned there and in the associated sprintf() function at

See Also

sprintf() - Return a formatted string

print() - Print data to the current output stream such as a web page or terminal

uphp/functions/printf.1495323091.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:56 (external edit)