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uphp:functions:feof [2017/03/18 19:06]
uphp:functions:feof [2021/09/13 05:57]
Line 1: Line 1:
-<badge>WMPRO, WMMINI FW >= 1.0</badge> <badge>WMMEGA FW >= 2.0</badge> 
-Test if no more data is available in a file or stream 
-<well size="sm"><html><span style="font-size:125%;color:green;">int 
-<span style="color:black;"></html>[[feof]] 
-<span style="color:green;">int 
-<span style="color:blue;">$handle 
-<span style="color:black;">) 
-Return 1 (true) if no more data is available: The pointer is at the end of the file (EOF) or there is no more data pending in the stream's input. 
-Return 0 (false) if there is more data available: The pointer is not at the end of the file or the stream's input has more pending data. 
-<html><span style="color:blue;"><b>handle</b><span style="color:black;"></html>:  Valid handle of a previously opened resource 
-====Return Value==== 
-1 if no data available, 0 if more data available 
-**Read the file index.cgi line by line and format the output for display on the screen:** 
-<code php> 
-  $f=fopen("/index.cgi","r"); // open the file for reading and get the file handle 
-  if ($f) { 
-    while (!feof($f)) { 
-      print(htmlspecialchars(fgets($f))."\r\n"); // print the line to the screen 
-    } 
-  fclose($f); // close the file referenced by file handle 
-  } else { 
-    print("Unable to open file /index.cgi"); 
-  } 
-====See Also==== 
-[[fopen()]] - Open a file for reading or writing 
-[[f485open()]] - Open the RS-485 port as a stream 
-[[fseropen()]] - Open the serial port at the specified baud rate with optional parameters 
-[[fsockopen()]] - Open an internet socket connection with optional timeout 
-[[fread()]] - Return bytes from a file or stream 
-[[fgets()]] - Return a single line from a file or stream, with optional size limit 
-[[fclose()]] - Close a file, stream or socket 
-[[htmlspecialchars()]] - Convert characters for display in HTML 
uphp/functions/feof.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:57 (external edit)