======netstat====== WMPRO, WMMINI FW >= 1.0 WMMEGA FW >= 2.0 Get Ethernet information ====Description==== array netstat ( ) This function returns an array containing information about the state of the network interface ====Parameters==== None ====Return Values==== Array containing the following keys and values: ^KEY^TYPE^VALUE^ |max_http_connections|int|The number of HTTP connections allowed| |max_connections|int|The total number of TCP connections allowed| |internet_connected|int|Returns 1 if Internet is connected (only available in fw x.1203+)| |interface|int|Returns 0 for Ethernet, 1 for Cellular, 2 for WiFi (only available in fw x.1203+)| |conn**X**_socket((Zero-based connection number, up to max_connections-1))|int|Socket number for connection X| |conn**X**_stage|int|Socket status for connection X| |conn**X**_info|string|Information about the connection if any. For connection info string details, see the sample below.| |conn**X**_remote|string|Remote host IP address| ===Sample Connection Value=== Open:0|Aborted:0|Process:0|Path:\app\|Fn:devcalib_ajax.cgi|Type:3|Time:0|Fstage:7|Context:0|Sockstate:4 ====Example==== ====See Also==== [[setusbpower()]] - Enable or disable USB power [[net_enable3g()]] - Enable 3G support for the dongle [[net_disable3g()]] - Disable 3G support for the dongle [[getethstat()]] - Get Ethernet connection status information